A Guide To Creating The Ultimate Yoga Space At Home
Ideally you want to find yourself a space that is quiet, free from clutter with natural light... but let's be honest, that can be tricky to find especially in this day and age, when we all have such busy households. Simply converting a corner of the lounge room will work as well.
Clean the space using chemical free cleaners such as (or DIY using vinegar and bicarb)
Purify the energy by performing a sage smudging ceremony. There are quite a few ways to do this, but I like to personally set my intention (“to clear the space”), light my little bundle of magic Sage and move slowly through the space waving the smoke wand around the room into every nook and cranny. Placing a window open in the room will help to release the stagnant energy
Make it a place where you want to spend time in. We want this area to inspire you to get on the mat, even on those days you’d rather be scrolling through social media under the covers. Do this by incorporating objects that bring you peace and joy, such as crystals, candles, essential oils and plants to ground you to mother nature, inspiring books and art.
Lay your mat in the centre of the room.
If you like to listen to music while practising, have that ready in advance.
To complete your at-home yoga practice and really get you inspired, invest in some props. Here’s what we recommend:
- A Yoga Strap- to help you achieve correct yoga posture (when there aren't any teachers around to make adjustments). You can use a scarf or belt, or please feel free to browse our store xx
A Meditation Cushion or Bolster - we love to open our practice with a mindful breath meditation, but these cushions can also be used the same way you would use a block in your practice... or simply as a gorgeous looking cushion in your home
An Eye Pillow - to help you get deep in savasana (Relaxation at the end of class) or to ease muscle and joint pain when heated up.
A Blanket - not only a comfort in savasana, you can fold or roll a blanket and use it throughout your practice, especially if you get sore knees in camel pose or similar.